Plant City Church of God

Love - Connect - Serve

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The Plant City Church of God family is a community that exists to LOVE God, CONNECT together, and SERVE our community.   We are a diverse body of believers where your family can grow spiritually, make great friendships, and discover God’s purpose for service in your life!  We invite you to come be a part of what God is doing in the Tampa Bay Area!

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Past Sermons


Sundays on-campus for grow classes at 9 am & inperson and online service at 10:15 am

WednEsday night

Join us for our Pastor's Bible Study every Wednesday at 7:00 P.M.  This is a great way to dive deeper into God's word and build eternal relationships with our church family!

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Looking for a free Discipleship Tool? Click the link below to get access to Right Now Media for FREE!

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